Wondering if your Roku TV app auto-refreshes?
Typically you make changes to your videos in Vimeo / in your feed. e.g.:
Editing Video titles, descriptions, thumbnails
Adding or removing videos in your Vimeo Showcase / Channels
If you have a paid Tappla subscription or are in TRIAL mode, Tappla automatically syncs your Roku feed every 6-12 hours.
And also Roku auto-refreshes your "Published" Roku Channel. Just note that there is a difference in how Roku handles feed updates:
When the app is in preview mode, you can manually refresh the feed. Just go to "Feed-Status" on the Roku Developer website.
When your app is "Published" you don't have the option to refresh the feed on the Roku developer website. But to our experience, it shall update the feed approx. every 6 hours (some users reported also longer update periods).